What a great story, and perfect example of why we support the ESD Future City Competition every year. This competition brings 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students together to “imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue.” Each year, NTH sponsors this program and sends a team of staff members to judge the “Best Engineered Project” for the Special Awards competition. Our judging team is always thrilled to participate in the competition, and we enjoy seeing the enthusiasm, intelligence and creativity from these young students.
In our follow up blog post after the 2019 competition, we wrote, “We expect to be working alongside some of them in the future here at NTH!” Little did we know that would be happening sooner than we thought! Alex joined our team as a staff engineer in October of 2019 after graduating with a BS, Environmental Engineering from the University of Windsor. She now works with our environmental group conducting due diligence site assessments and hazardous materials survey and abatement.
According to Alex, Future City had a big impact on her life. After participating in the competition, Alex said, “I knew I wanted to be an engineer.” This knowledge allowed her to choose high school classes that put her ahead when she got to college. Alex is a true believer in the competition and thinks it sets kids up for success by giving students opportunities they may not have had otherwise and by recruiting some of the best and brightest into fields that need them. NTH is able to see tangible evidence of how our investment in this program pays off and we are fortunate that we were able to hire the student we helped to inspire ten years ago. For more information about ESD and the Future City Competition, click here. |