Structural Condition AssessmentSteel Evaluation ServicesThe deterioration of steel structures can be both costly and dangerous. NTH’s Infrastructure Rehabilitation team provides comprehensive assessments to evaluate the condition of a building’s structural steel and connections. Our assessment process includes data collection and evaluation of current conditions and provides recommendations for rehabilitation. Appropriate safety protocols are followed during field activities and investigations when hazardous conditions are known or detected.
Evaluation The assessment begins with review of available plans, specifications and other information relative to the original construction details, if available. We then conduct a visual non-destructive examination of the structural steel members and accessible portions of concrete foundations to identify, review and evaluate items of specific concern, such as corroded and deteriorated members, non-typical connections, settlement, displacement of structural elements, loss of cross-sectional area, cracking, loose bolts, or other indications of distress. Our experienced professionals perform nondestructive/destructive testing and sampling to facilitate a comprehensive assessment. Our field personnel use standard measuring equipment such as ultrasonic thickness meters, calipers and carpenter rules to obtain measurements of member size, length and spacing. Conclusion At the conclusion of this assessment, we prepare and issue a written report that describes the significant conditions observed and includes marked up drawings and photographic documentation to substantiate our observations and engineering assessments. We perform necessary calculations to determine the remaining structural integrity of the building components and the remaining theoretical factor of structure safety with respect to the actual loads that the structure will be required to support. |