Project Overview

NTH was retained by a regional utility client to provide a complete review of environmental permits, permit conditions, and mitigation measures for a wind farm project they were in the process of acquiring to add to their growing renewable energy portfolio. The review including all permits and plans prepared by the developer to construct the project including, USACE 401 & 404 permits, USFWS Endangered Species permits, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Bird and Bat Conservation Study, Phase I ESA, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan, and any other approvals and mitigation measures set forth.

Project Scope

NTH’s scientific experts assist a regional utility with a full review and breakdown of all environmental permits, plans, and mitigation measures for a wind farm acquisition in northwest Ohio. NTH reviewed the Bird and Bat Conservation Study to breakdown the ongoing level of studies that would be required after the wind farm became operational, including the reporting requirements and effort to complete the measures. General permits were reviewed to determine the dates the permits would be valid for, the restrictions set forth in the permits, the reporting requirements, and mitigation measure required while under construction and any restoration called out for post construction.

These permits included the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers 401 and 404 permits, U.S. Fish and Wildlife and Ohio Department of Natural Resources endangered and threatened species permits and notices, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency air quality permit, and the County floodplain permit. Additionally, plans and reports generated and required for construction were reviewed for completeness and additional requirements the operator of the farm would be bound by within the plans and reports post construction. These included the review of the phase I Environmental Site Assessment, the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan, the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, the Noise Study, and the Shadow Flicker Study.

Upon completion of the review, NTH delivered a comprehensive matrix breaking down all of the critical permit dates and reporting requirements, and the level of continued effort once the wind farm became operational including any mitigation and restoration that would be required.

Client Benefit

NTH assisted with coordinating, communicating, and reviewing the regulatory requirements and provides the scientific expertise to determine the environmental requirements and level of effort needed to operate the project within compliance.