Project Overview
DTE retained NTH to review and evaluate 340 steel NetBank structures – Generation-0 (Gen 0) comprising the NetBank platform, connections, and steel column(s) in Detroit metropolitan area. NTH visually reviewed the steel columns and NetBank platforms with a truck-mounted manlift to identify and assess steel column and platform defects and overall conditions. NTH used non- destructive testing methods to document the severity of defects and its extent to determine the structures’ soundness for duty. NTH developed report forms, inspection, and safety protocols to assess and document the structures defects, conditions, providing specific component ratings, and recommendations for repair needs. Each assessment report includes the structure’s ID, a brief description of findings, GPS location, previous repairs, the type and extent of defects, field measurements, and representative photographs, as well as recommendations for repairs or replacement, as deemed necessary. DTE’s main concern was to identify hazardous or unsafe conditions through the condition assessment procedure and implement immediate repairs where needed. During the inspections, NTH identified several netbank structures which in our opinion required DTE’s immediate attention.
Project Scope
Due to a NetBank structural failure, DTE initiated an emergency inspection requirement for all their NetBank structures to assure DTE’s network maintenance crews could safely access the NetBank transformers on the structures. NTH’s scope of services included establishing updated structural inspection procedures, safety protocols (HASP), report formats, preparing an inspection schedule, reviewing previous condition reports and available data associated with the steel netbank structures’ design and maintenance activities.
NTH coordinated an inspection kickoff meeting with DTE’s interested parties, our subcontractor’s representatives to review safety protocols (HASP), and preliminary schedule. Our plan was to perform preliminary walk-through of the netbank structures to identify shoring needs prior to inspections. NTH scheduled the field inspections 3 to 4 days per week, allowing for field report writing on the 4th and 5th day of the week. We anticipated inspecting 6 to 7 units per day using two inspection teams. NTH prepared, coordinated, and maintained a tracking spreadsheet and submitted it weekly to DTE’s leadership. We also maintained regular communications with DTE’s project team to address questions, weekly progress, scheduling and any concerns regarding our field observations. We coordinated with our sub-consultants for shoring purposes and netbank inspection schedules.
NTH initiated a separate task to cover for engineering analysis, design, field work, meetings and communications associated with major concerns identified in the field. Examples of services included: design of temporary repair plates, concrete encasements, stabilizing structures, and temporary shoring to mitigate hazardous conditions until a more permanent solution can be designed.
Client Benefit
NTH was able to complete the assessment of DTE’s steel netbank structures with the use of two teams of engineers to perform the field assessment activities, client/contractor communications with only minor delays due to hazards. The program was completed within DTE’s requested forecast scheduled and NTH’s fees were within DTE’s allocated budget.