Project Overview
DTMB selected NTH to perform the requested services for the owner, Michigan State Police (MSP) to replace the existing asphalt parking lots, inspect the existing storm sewers, and perform other site/civil improvement at three sites within Southeast Michigan: the MSP Livonia Training Facility, the MSP Lapeer Post #34, and MSP Northville Forensic Laboratory. In addition, MSP requested design services to remove and replace an existing retaining wall with a new engineered retaining wall at the Northville Forensic Laboratory.
Project Scope
NTH is scoped to provide civil design, pavement design, and geotechnical design, along with construction drawings, technical specifications and construction inspections as this project continues. NTH and our subconsultants performed site exploration and field observations, including a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection of the existing storm sewers on each of the three properties. The results of this inspection informed
NTH’s recommendations for which existing storm water pipes should be removed, replaced, or repaired as part of this project. NTH completed soil borings, pavement assessments, and a unique treatment recommendation for different areas of pavement at each of the three sites, based on the condition of pavement, subbase, and soil data. NTH’s geotechnical design team provided two conceptual options to the client for review, including initial cost estimates for both options of a replacement retaining wall. NTH was able to provide drawings for the new retaining wall and surrounding site/civil details, including grading enhancements, stormwater pipe upgrades to remove blind pipe connections, and wall under drainage outfall into the existing storm system on-site.
Client Benefit
NTH’s expertise in both geotechnical engineering and site/civil design provided DTMB and MSP with one point of contact for the entire project, and facilitated in-house communication between various design teams, streamlining the different aspects of the project, providing DMTB and MSP with a comprehensive solution for their three facilities.