Project Overview
NTH was selected by Waste Management (WM) to prepare a Part 201 remedial action plan (RAP) and Part 115 construction permit application for an expansion of the existing municipal solid waste landfill. Historical groundwater impacts from the older portion of the landfill had to be addressed through definition of contamination extent, land and groundwater use restrictions, and long-term monitoring. The RAP complies with Michigan Part 201 regulations and was approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). In addition, NTH demonstrated that the groundwater contaminant plume has stabilized and no active remedial measures are necessary, and ensured that all relevant exposure pathways were addressed, based on site hydrogeologic conditions.
Project Scope
NTH completed the RAP within an expedited schedule, and it was approved by MDEQ clearing the way for proceeding with the construction permit application. NTH planned and implemented a hydrogeologic investigation to support the lateral expansion of the Type II municipal solid waste landfill. The investigation characterized the groundwater conditions and provided information for design of the waste cell grades, in compliance with required vertical isolation distance. NTH also developed a groundwater monitoring program to be implemented in a phased manner as new cells were constructed and licensed. The Construction Permit Application was approved by MDEQ – Jackson District Office with no significant comments or revisions.
Client Benefit
NTH made use of existing data from previous investigations, including the adjacent, State-owned former landfill, to delineate extent of groundwater impacts and demonstrate plume stabilization. No additional investigation was necessary. The construction permit application was prepared in parallel with the RAP and was submitted and approved in compliance with the client’s required schedule.