NTH’s Value Added Our thorough understanding of maintenance, repair planning, and building technology, along with our expertise in condition assessment and background in facility management, enable us to develop comprehensive asset management programs tailored to company needs. |
Facility Asset Management ServicesProactive MaintenancePreventive maintenance, repair, replacement and routine service calls are fundamental components of effective facilities management. Traditionally, facility managers focused their efforts on preventive maintenance and routine service calls. Repair and replacement were very difficult to predict, and were often reactionary solutions for the failure of a particular component.
NTH offers facility managers a powerful tool and process with which to actually predict when repair and replacement funds will be needed. Our professionals have extensively researched the various components that make up different facility systems, and have combined this data with effective facility management principles, as well as modeling and analysis procedures, to provide facility managers with a tool that supports their budget requests. Our comprehensive asset management program begins with an inventory of facilities, systems and components to assist in identifying the facility base. We survey the facilities to determine current conditions and combine this information with projected facility needs to provide a basis for planning. NTH professionals recommend corrective actions and implement an effective repair and/or replacement management system. We develop and administer the contract for this work, and provide quality assurance/quality control monitoring as well as materials testing as it is implemented. Our unique services provide you with an effective method for managing your assets that helps to reduce the need for failure maintenance and crisis management. |