The Solid Waste and Sustainability Advisory Panel is comprised of representatives from state and local government and industry; panel members are from the following:
- Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission
- Consumers Energy
- Michigan Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Association of Counties
- Michigan Environmental Council
- Michigan Manufacturers Association
- Michigan Municipal League
- Michigan Recycling Coalition
- Michigan State University
- Michigan Townships Association
- Michigan Waste Industries Association
- NTH Consultants, Ltd. (Brad Venman is a member)
- U.S. Ecology
As part of the MDEQ’s ambitious year long process that kicked off in April, the agency has identified the following issues for discussion/consideration by the SWSAP, including but not limited to:
- Recycling / waste utilization (measurement, residential access, beneficial use)
- Composting / siting of facilities
- Solid Waste Planning
- Disposal Area requirements (permitting / exemptions) & financial assurance for landfills
- Compliance & Enforcement
- Program funding
- Regulation of Coal Combustion Residuals
As part of the SWSAP process, the MDEQ has also established subcommittees to provide technical /program specific recommendations to the SWSAP. These include the following work groups:
- Composting Work Group – recommend improvements to how compost facilities are regulated, sited, etc. (NTH Senior Vice-President, Rick Burns is a member)
- County Solid Waste Planning Work Group –Governor’s Recycling Council
- Electric Utilities Coal Combustion Residuals Work Group (EUCCR) - (NTH's Brad Venman & Dave Lutz, P.E. are members)
Each of these work groups will be developing recommendations for review and consideration by the SWSAP, who will then make formal recommendations to Director Wyant.
Some work group activities to date include:
- The SWSAP has reviewed and made recommendations to amend and update Michigan’s 2007 Solid Waste Advisory Policy.
- The EUCCR is in the process of developing amendments to Michigan’s Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) that was approved by the US EPA in 1982. The goal is to submit a revised SWMP to the US EPA by October. Submittal and US EPA approval of an amended SWMP will allow the State to modify Michigan’s solid waste regulations to effectively implement the EPA’s coal combustion residual requirements.
- Governor’s Recycling Council – they are nearly finished working on legislation for reporting/measuring household/commercial recycling (most of the reporting will be through the various Material Recycling Facilities (MRFs). They are exploring whether recycling organics (food wastes) can help achieve the Governor’s goal of 50% improvement by 2017 of Michigan’s recycling rate.
- County Planning workgroup – preliminary thinking is that they will be recommending maintaining the facility siting elements of the county planning process in Part 115 but revising/removing the flow control elements of the process.
- Composting workgroup – working to provide revised program recommendations to address availability and problems with composting facilities which is especially acute in Macomb Co.
It should also be noted that in addition to NTH’s current active participation on Michigan’s Solid Waste program revisions, the MDEQ is currently working to implement recommendations of other work group activities by NTH staff. These include the Air Quality Division’s draft Air Toxics rules that are intended to implement the recommendations of the Air Toxics Work Group. The MDEQ is also actively working to complete development of the draft rule package to implement recommendations of the MDEQ’s Remediation & Redevelopment Division’s Criteria Stakeholder Advisory Work Group; these rules will revise Michigan’s regulations to determine cleanup criteria for sites of environmental contamination.