As-Needed Civil Engineering Services - City of LansingGeotechnical Engineering and Construction Testing Services
Since 2003, NTH has been performing Geotechnical Engineering and the Construction Testing Services for the City of Lansing's As-Needed contract. This contract is used by the City of Lansing Department of Public Works, Parks and Recreation Department, and other various City of Lansing departments to obtain materials testing and geotechnical engineering services on a wide variety of projects every year. Project Scope NTH performed soil borings and collected data on various local streets throughout the city. The projects primarily included removal and replacement of HMA surfaces, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and utility replacement. In addition, NTH provided materials testing services for the various projects. Other projects included design of retaining walls, shoreline stabilization, and a forensic investigation for a wall failure. Project Approach Geotechnical Engineering Many of the geotechnical engineering projects performed under this contract involve drilling soil borings within various streets in order to obtain subsurface information for design of roadway improvement projects. Other projects involve various tasks including retaining wall design, gabion wall design, pavement design, leaching basin design for manholes, sewer and watermain design, non-destructive testing of concrete structures, and addressing construction issues. Letters or reports are issued to the City of Lansing detailing our findings and recommendations. In addition, when required, NTH has prepared plans and specifications for bidding and construction purposes. Construction Testing Services NTH Provides MDOT certified and experienced field technicians for materials testing of City of Lansing construction projects. The testing we have performed includes field density testing for storm sewer backfill, sand sub-base, aggregate base, and bituminous paving, as well as aggregate field sampling. NTH has also performed concrete QA/QC testing for driveways, sidewalks, pavement, and curb and gutter. Daily field reports, field density reports, and field concrete test reports are issued to the City of Lansing detailing our test locations and results. On select projects, NTH has performed inspection services for the city as well. Our ability to use the same technician to provide inspection and testing services eliminates the need for two personnel on site, thereby saving the city money on construction oversight fees. NTH employs MDOT certified and experienced laboratory technicians to perform materials testing. The laboratory testing included gradations for aggregate, granular fill and bituminous materials, as well as concrete compressive strength testing, and HMA extractions. |