Masonry Evaluation ServicesFor Repair and RehabilitationPreservation and repair of masonry structures requires considerable expertise in all
aspects of masonry evaluation and rehabilitation. NTH provides architectural and structural engineering services to evaluate and rehabilitate masonry structures and facades including clay, concrete, stone, and glass, as well as stucco and EIFS. We investigate and evaluate existing structures, design remedial programs, and provide contract administration and field observations during restoration projects. Our masonry experts have provided evaluation services for numerous structures throughout the United States, many of which have historical significance. Investigation First, NTH reviews construction documents to determine the original design intent. We then perform a visual condition survey to identify potential problems. Our evaluations include structural analysis of load-bearing components (where appropriate) and weather-resistance of facades. We perform non-destructive testing and inspection openings to ascertain construction details. Our testing methods provide an innovative enhancement to traditional investigations. NTH professionals then issue a report that describes existing conditions and the structural and architectural integrity of the components. We provide rehabilitation recommendations and include photographic documentation, field measurements and data to substantiate our observations and engineering assessments. Repair/Restoration/Rehabilitation Design NTH identifies restoration/rehabilitation alternatives, including cost estimates. The owner’s plans for future use and the projected service life of the facilities are incorporated into a present life cycle cost analysis. Our contract documents describe the necessary restoration work and include technical specifications, details and drawings, as well as bidding and contractual requirements. We are experienced with facilitating the bid process. Field Observation/Contract Administration NTH provides engineering services during construction to facilitate compliance with contract documents. Our professionals schedule and lead progress meetings. When unexpected conditions are uncovered, we resolve the technical as well as administrative issues promptly. We review submittals and contractor pay requests and prepare closeout documentation. |