Client: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Prime Consultant: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting
Total Project Budget: $1,535,000
NTH Project Budget: $225,000
Detroit Brownfield Demolition Project Former Foundry Demolition and Site Remediation
NTH was retained under the State of Michigan’s Project Management Program for demolition and hazardous material abatement on more than 20 sites in the City of Detroit. One of these sites, located on Davison Avenue within a residential neighborhood and immediately adjacent to an elementary school, had historical heavy industrial usage and contained abandoned buildings.
Project Scope The former machine casting and foundry facility located at 7742 West Davison contained several unsafe structures, stockpiled materials of unknown origin, and hazardous chemical containers. The site was accessible to pedestrian traffic from adjacent schools and neighborhoods. NTH provided the following services to assist with site clean-up:
Performed a hazardous materials survey within existing buildings, including sampling of asbestos containing, lead-based paint, and bulk waste materials.
Provided subsurface investigation services to assess soil and groundwater conditions near existing UST systems and former PCB operations.
Quantified building and waste materials to be recycled or disposed during demolition.
Developed waste removal, demolition, UST removal, site remediation, and site restoration bid specifications.
Managed bid evaluations and contractor selection.
Developed an air-monitoring program to monitor ambient conditions and ensure residential and school neighbors were not adversely exposed during site clean-up and demolition.
Provided full-time contractor oversight during waste removal, building demolition, UST system removal, and PCB remediation activities.
Prepared a final report at the completion of remedial activities.
Value-Added Services NTH assisted the MDEQ and prime consultant with dispute resolution negotiations that helped control the project costs. Several unknown conditions encountered during the subsurface activities resulted in contractor claims for additional compensation. We used nationally recognized methods to facilitate fair and equitable negotiations that resulted in claim settlements without litigation and at a cost savings to the MDEQ.
Although not required by the contractual scope of work, NTH facilitated an educational outreach session with a public elementary school immediately adjacent to this property. Representatives from Detroit Department of Environmental Affairs and MDEQ participated with NTH to discuss site activities and career opportunities in the environmental sciences.