Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Client: Inland Waters Pollution Control Prime Consultant: NTH Consultants, Ltd. NTH Project Budget: $2.3 Million Start Date: August 2004 Completion Date: Summer 2005 |
Emergency Sinkhole RepairsRomeo Arm Interceptor ReconstructionThe Romeo Arm of the Macomb Interceptor, which provides 30-60 million
gallons of wastewater flow per day, was constructed in the early 1970’s to provide sanitary sewer service to the residents of Macomb County. Project Scope In August 2004, six homes were evacuated as a safety precaution when a 40-foot deep sinkhole developed over the Romeo Arm Interceptor in the city of Sterling Heights, Michigan. NTH was called to the site to stabilize the area, make preparations to ensure no interruptions to wastewater service, and to permanently repair the damaged interceptor. Project Approach Following on-site evaluations, it was determined the following procedures would be necessary to stabilize, and repair the interceptor collapse:
Working with several subcontractors, often on a 24/7 schedule, NTH replaced the damaged portion of the interceptor by installing 23-pipe sections measuring 8-feet long by 11-feet in diameter. Crews have now removed the bulkheads in the interceptor and have back-filled the hole to a depth of 18-feet below road level. NTH will continue to provide field engineering and QA/QC for this project through its completion. NTH is working closely with the project team and with the owner, Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, to accomplish the repairs. |