Flats East BulkheadGeotechnical Investigation for Seawall RehabilitationThe NTH Cleveland office provided geotechnical and subsurface utility
engineering (SUE) services to the Cleveland - Cuyahoga County Port Authority, which was replacing the existing east bulkhead along the Cuyahoga River, between the Norfolk Southern railroad bridge and the SR-2 viaduct bridge. NTH and our drilling subcontractor performed seven borings on the land side and two borings on the river-side of the existing bulkhead. The riverside borings were completed from a specially designed platform cantilevered over the sheet pile facing, with the drill rig supported on land. In-situ vane shear testing was performed in areas where soft clays were encountered. NTH also performed consolidation, unconfined compressive strength, and triaxial tests on Shelby tube samples. PVC pipe was also installed for Length Inductive Test Equipment (LITE) to determine the actual length of the existing battered H-piles used in the existing bulkhead wall. As valued-added services to Parson Brinkerhoff, NTH provided SUE using GPR in an attempt to confirm the locations of subsurface utilities found during our site reconnaissance but not shown on the basemap, and also confirmed the battered pile depths and locations installed as deadmen for the new bulkhead. |