Riverbed Street Pump Station DesignWesterly Low Level Interceptor – Long Term OptionsNTH was retained as the Prime Engineer for design of a pump station facility near downtown Cleveland, Ohio for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD). The purpose of the project is to divert flows from the Westerly Low Level Interceptor (WLLI), a combined sewage interceptor that is currently under distress. Portions of the WLLI are currently in the influence zone of a large, creeping, transitional slide 60-feet below ground, as well as localized riverbank slope movements. This pump station will allow NEORSD to abandon up to 2,000 feet of the WLLI which is currently located beneath failing portions of Riverbed Street and the Cuyahoga River. The Riverbed Street Pump Station (RPS) was designed to pump up to 4 million gallons per day (MGD) of combined sewage away from the WLLI into a local combined sewer.
Project Approach NTH worked closely with NEORSD to address design issues and constraints for the project, and was instrumental in selecting a viable project location. NTH worked with subconsultants AECOM, R.E. Warner and R.W. Armstrong to develop various options to route flow from the WLLI. After performing many evaluations, the Riverbed Street Pump Station was selected as the final option by NEORSD in October 2011. Due to property acquisition issues, the client requested that the entire project location be moved to a new site after the 30% design had already been completed. NTH worked diligently to site and design the relocated components within a challenging schedule. NTH’s design responsibilities included an extensive geotechnical investigation, basis of design report, risk register, structural design of below-grade structures, earth retention systems, retaining walls, force main layout and preparation of drawings and specifications. NTH also coordinated work performed by the subconsultants, including civil/site development, hydraulic analyses, plumbing, process, HVAC, architectural, electrical, instrumentation and control, and construction cost estimates. Project Results NTH finished design of this complicated project in June 2012, and is prepared to assist with the bidding process which is scheduled to take place in 2016. NEORSD was pleased with NTH’s innovative ideas, project management and professional deliverables. |